Hercules Resin – Late Pledge NOW OPEN

Today we are excited to launch our Late Pledge ordering for our fantastic new thermal cured resin – Hercules! So any of you who missed our fantastic Kickstarter, now’s your chance to get in on this latest and most fantastic durable and skin safe resin!

Check out the video below and our CEO chucking several high detail models right onto the floor to show off just how durable this resin is!

Don’t just believe us either, check out this fantastic video by Uncle Jessy as he tests out an early production bag of Hercules; including his famous ball test (just watch that ball of resin bounce along!)

Hercules Kickstarter Shipping update

If you backed our recent Kickstarter to help launch Hercules Resin into the world, check out the latest update for details on how progress is going toward shipping you your pledge rewards.

Join our Community

As always we welcome you to come take part in our free Discord Community, where you can get professional resin 3D printing support, tips, advice and more. We’d also love to see what models you’ve been working on this month, so come show off your prints and your painting!

Join Discord (its FREE!)

Vulcan Tabletop Improved and Quarterly Model Bundle

Vulcan Tabletop will be resume shipping on May 15th with a more stable formula. This is based on feedback delivered through our Discord from our users. The most common request was for the pigment to be stabilized. We found a good way to do this and have been trialing it these last few weeks. We think you all will like this, it is about 0.1 second slower needing 3.4-3.5 @50 micron in our Saturn test beds, but it holds the pigment in place far longer than before. Unlike before where you had to absolutely stir between prints we have found that this latest variant remains stable over very long prints(18+hours) and remains stable over night between prints.

The new features are:

  1. Better Support Removal – even easier to peel those models off once you’ve printed them without sacrificing quality during printing. Check out the video for how easy they are to remove now!
  2. Reduced tearing
  3. Easier to mix before printing. We still recommend using a silicon Spatula or silicon brush for the best results when mixing.
  4. Slightly longer exposure time (variable depending on printer used). Remember to run an Ameralabs Town print to help calibrate your exposure settings for the new formula.

You can grab the Ameralabs Town Calibration print and details of how to use it off our Learning Page. In addition you can sign up to our Discord, where we have staff ready to help you calibrate your printer for the best results no matter the printer or resin you’re using.

Join Discord (its FREE!)

Quarterly Model Bundle

Right now every time you buy Atlas Resin from us at the Dub, Mega, Ultra, or Box sizes, we will include the following bundle of models from our creative partners (and a few from ourselves) for FREE! That’s right, here at Atlas you not only get Resin, but STLs as well!

Atlas Models

Partner Models

Deadmire Set by Bestiarum Miniatures
Bestiarum Patreon
Bestiarum Tribe

Loxodon Crew by Dragon Trappers Lodge
Dragon Trappers Lodge Patreon
Dragon Trappers Lodge Tribe

Promotional Set by Claymore Miniatures
Claymore Miniatures Patreon
Claymore Miniatures Tribe

Drekon_Whelps by Arcane Minis
Arcane Minis Patreon
Arcane Minis Tribe