Printable Life: The Maeklong Train Railway Market
We hope you are ready for some new projects – starting with something dear to our hearts that we were working on for more than a year and are very excited to finally show you: Introducing “Printable Life” – The Maeklong Train Railway Market Diorama, Thailand; an elaborate, highly detailed and fully printable diorama scene straight from the real world and painstakingly recreated – now live on KICKSTARTER!

Watch our video to truly see all the amazing details and get a feeling for the scope:
We also have more interesting extras for you in there like a fully usable, printable Conductor’s Whistle on a chain, a bridge crossing for the train, some added gadgets and a bundle deal with our past model kits, the Ramen Café and the Ruined Temple Diorama Base:

The Early Bird Tier is still live until FRIDAY, the 6th (midnight EST), get it while you can – you’re not only getting a better price with it, you’re also getting the exclusive Train Collector’s Coin to print!

A Merry Atlas Christmas
On another note, our Christmas Campaign on MMF is still live in case you want to grab it before it goes back into the vault until next december, get the free Atlas Heart Ornament while it’s still up – and if you like that Delilah Bust, I heard her NSFW milestone, the topless variant, is gonna get unlocked 😉 The Frontier ends on FRIDAY, the 6th too!